Best of Color & First Place Architecture - 2008 Iowa State Fair Photography Salon

1,229 photographers submitted a total of 3,601 photos. After 12 rounds of judging, 806 were selected for display.

Downtown Abandonment was awarded "Best of Color" at the 2008 Iowa State Fair Photo Salon.

I was also awarded first place in the Iowa Architecture category for the Golden Curves

I also received was a certificate for being one of just fourteen people who got all four of their allotted photo submissions displayed. Here's the other two photos that didn't ribbon, but were still on display throughout the fair.

Best of Show - 2007 Iowa State Fair Photography Salon

My Image, Alternative Lighting won Best of Show out of 4,394 photos submitted into the 2007 Iowa State Fair Photography Salon.

I'll receive a ribbon and plaque, $500 and my photo on the cover of the book of winners.

Alternative Lighting - Best of Show

Honorable Mention - 2006 Iowa State Fair Photography Salon

Maui - Honorable Mention

First Place Black & White - 2005 Iowa State Fair Photography Salon

Forkadelic - 1st Place Black & White

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